Back from the Weekend
Well, I’m back from my weekend. And it was pretty fun.
As I said I went and LARPed for the first time in a long time on Saturday. I had a good time, everyone was pretty friendly and helpful. However, this game has been going on for quite some time, and I felt like I had walked into the middle of a movie and didn’t have a clue as to what was going on. I ended up spending a lot of time just sitting watching and listening to what others where doing. I’m pretty sure I’ll go back for at least one or tow more sessions before I deside if it’s something I want to do or not.
After the LARP my friend Ian and I went to our friends Manda and Matt’s place. We did a bit of hanging out Sat. night before going to ssleep. We enjoyed a lazy Sunday visiting, playing games (Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers), and grilling out. After Ian left for his place, Manda, Matt, and I went for a walk along the lake front. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.
Today Matt and I hung around the house while Manda was off at work. And because I am still without a car, Manda and Matt drove me back to Point today when Manda was done with work. And that pretty much wraps up my weekend. Not very exciting, but I had fun and that’s really what matters.
RMA says:
LARP-ing is for nerds.
Um, so there. Take that.
Oh, and tell everyone to check out aspenology today…ooooh! It’s a good one!
Saryn says:
I’m not a nerd, I’m a geek. There’s a difference. Trust me.
Yeah, I read your blog today. Wow, you were pissy.